Christmas hunt "winners"
During the Christmas Holidays, children from all over the world were looking for "elfs" in the grand halls of the Royal Palace. Everyone received a reward, and five randomly selected "hunters" wins an extra reward.
Winners of the Christmas hunt:
Sixten Appleberg Månsson, 9 år, Nättraby
Elif Cizmeci, 8 år, Germany
Thorin Ghirmai Juhl, 4 år, Stockholm
Inez Morge, 6 år, Björköby
Reijo Riihimäki, 7 år, Finland
A present will be sent by post.
A number of silver elves were hiding in the grand rooms of the palace. With an elf hunt map, available in Swedish, English and Finnish, the task was to find the elves and cross them off the list. Everyone who returned the a map received a reward. Next holiday hunt at the Royal Palace will be at Sport holiday, and announced in menu Calender a couple of weeks prior.
Photo: Kate Gabor/Royalpalaces.se